Belt Loom

Introducing "Little Dude" the Harrisville Belt Loom. I purchased this sturdy little loom used from a Ravelry friend. It arrived at the same time as it's big brother, Bright. I put a light green linen warp on, the other day, and have a third bookmark going. I grabbed some bright tones of wool and I am having fun with these beach colours. The middle bookmark or strip is just some handspun yarn left over from something else.

Here is the project at the very start. The four little bobbins were custom made by a talented woodworker in Wisconsin. His name is Norbert and a group of us at Ravelry have taken to calling them Norbobbins. So far I think they are excellent for band weaving.

The third shot shows a bit of a close up of the random striping. It is like playing with sunshine. The day I started on it was a grey day and I think that is why these colours jumped into my hands.

This young beauty took up residence across the street from my studio. I believe it is a female but I have not been close enough to ascertain this. I need to go and speaker with the owner of the property first. I think you would call this colour roan.

At times in the past there have been horses in that same pasture and I have to say how enjoyable it is to look up from my crafts to see a horse or two grazing, drinking water or moving about. When I was a little girl I often wished for a horse. Although I never did own one, I can now enjoy the beauty of one, up close.


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