
Showing posts from August 17, 2008

When I fall

Will you catch me? Okay. I bought a pair of skates today. I had a voucher from this store and so paid only 30 something for a pair of sale skates. Not a huge gamble. I used to skate every night when I was a kid and teen. It was integral to who I was. Just round and round on the side by side hockey rinks, outside in High Park, waltzes blaring over the ancient PA system. I could go fast. I could go backwards fast. I could twirl a little. And I could make the old european men smile when I joined them in a waltz. I wore figure skates. But as a very tall woman, I outgrew the women's sizing a long time ago and haven't skated in about 20 years. So now I have hockey skates. No toe picks. Armour and stiffness up the wazoo. Will I be able to skate I wonder? I will likely pass on the public skates that start Monday in the arena and wait until winter arrives. Early in the morning when the town is still snuggled under their comforters, I will teeter and wobble around the outdoor rinks. That...

Yes, it's me

Yes, unless I state otherwise the photographs on this blog site are my images. There are a couple of images of fireplaces I took off the web some weeks ago, but that's only because mine haven't been installed yet. I have loved photography since I got my first camera around 1971. I do believe I joined the junior high school's photography club. Mostly I enjoy being out in nature and so my photos tend to be of wild places. Now that I have a garden I can't resist taking shots of that too. What I especially like is taking very close up shots of things, to the point where the subject is difficult to recognize. All of those images date back to my SLR days and I will have to scan in the negatives at some point, to show you what I mean. I don't tend to take a lot of shots within town or a city. Nor do a shoot a lot of people. Maybe I just recall how unconfortable I always felt when my Dad or others wanted to take photos of us and we stood squinting into the sun until it ...

Tranquil beauty

How beautiful and stately the red poppy is. It was certainly the centerpiece of the garden while the many buds were blooming. It swung and dipped in the breeze, but mostly stood tall and proud against the backdrop of lupines and a flowering dogwood. I hope I can draw inspiration from this confident flower. As I go forward into an unsure future and seek to fill out my circle of friends, I hope I can keep my poise and balance too.