Eleven Goals for 2011

So at the knitting group yesterday we discussed a personal challenge that someone had seen on Ravelry. The aim is to come up with eleven knitting goals for 2011. An email had circulated a day before our meeting so we had a little time to contemplate this.

I've decided to make mine a design challenge. I've noticed for the past three or four years that there have been some incredibly good books published with gorgeous designs. Since I lost a little weight I can fit into most standard designs now, plus I was kicked in the teeth (so to speak) with a rough patch in life for awhile. So it had become too easy to fall back on opening a book and numbly following someone else's design. It's been fun, but it's time for me to put on my thinking cap again and do what I love best about knitting - design.

I am a Master Knitter after all and a Master Designer. Gulp. So having put this out there.... I shall try to show you, in 2011, a little of what is mucking around in my head.

PS. Although my knitting muse The Black Rat is holding down the fort in my knitting studio in Canada, I will nevertheless draw inspiration from him while in the South and try to punch out a few things. Wish me luck!


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